Why should you choose Elysium over v3rm

Here’s why you should use Elysium.

Privacy. With Elysium forums we give you total privacy, don’t want to share your email with us? make an alt email, we won’t judge. Want to use a VPN? sure no issue. We do not block VPN users on our website. unlike v3rm who literally blocks every single ASN ever.We use more secure forum software compared to v3rm. v3rm uses myBB a fairly nice open-source software with a lot of vulnerability. We use Discourse. A gold standard forum software. Discourse is much more secure than v3rm and patches vulnerabilities faster. Who else uses Discourse? there’s alot, here’s a few high profile website to mention: https://devforum.roblox.com/ , https://www.unrealengine.com/ and many more.
Has better UI. okay maybe this one is a little bit bias, but our UI is just more cleaner than theirs.

That’s the key difference between Elysium & v3rm.
If you have any questions let me know in the comments bellow.
Critics are appreciated.

Also share Elysium with your friends, family and enemies.


Vermillion has better emoji ?

What emoji would you like to see on Elysium? I can implement it easily

You definitely need to add troll emojis
Adding those would immediately make this the best forum

  • also maybe exploit icon emojis like synapse x icon or something

troll emojis + animated. would be cool ngl


When are usergroups being implemented? GIF pfps? Rep system??

Define usergroups

GIF pfps was implemented, but disable as of for now.

Rep system are a hit / miss, we haven’t found an addon for xenforo that allows the functionality we needed.

you know how v3rm has the “Synapse X” and “Script-Ware” user groups that appear under pfp?
basically that except maybe just a tag like your Staff member tag, it can be created by you guys
could have some as example:
“script developer”, “trusted”, “ui designer”, “cheat developer” etc.

I’m going to say smth about the whole myBB vs Xenforo thing.
myBB being open source is one of the largest advantages it has over Xenforo. Bugs will be patched way faster, due to the fact that there’s literally a community of developers just watching the source code and making sure that there are no vulnerabilities, and if there are, they’ll simply make a pull request. With Xenforo, when bugs are announced, there are no pull requests. They have to find them themselves, and patch it manually. A community effort can easily outdo the team of something like Xenforo, especially since software like phpBB and myBB are much more popular, due to their free price tag. (quick note: after checking, myBB has no unpatched vulnerabilities as of yet). The $299 price tag doesn’t warrant anything other than the absolutely beautiful UI (nothing comes close to it, other than Invision Community, but that’s also paid)
Just because something is paid, doesn’t mean it’s better.

it being open source also means it’s more prone to vulnerabilities. what prevents me from finding one and simply not reporting? considering you have the entire source code even for server literally nothing stops you from simply figuring it by yourself.

because multiple people will find it, some good, some bad
its not like there arent hackers that buy xenforo self host and then find vulnerabilities, it being open source simply expedites the process in which vulnerabilities are published

There are but not as widespread as bb + there’s a flippin paywall behind it


based 2

Twemoji is literally the best shit ever it isnt too much like those shitty facebook emojis, it isnt too simplistic like twitter/discord emojis and doesnt look straight from the 90s like v3rm emojis ?

Imagine blocking datapacket.
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Elysium is much better since it is wayyyyy faster and the Elysium colors are sick. V3rm is also unorganized and Elysium.wtf is very organized

but elysium got taste because of the website