Whats your favorite genre of games, and whats your favorite game from that genre

Personally I love horror, just the thrill of constantly being paranoid for jumpscares.
My favorite series has to be fears to fathom, and its probably one of the first horror series that actually scares me.

Soiling my pants is an average when playing those games.

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these days i love playing fps like call of duty mw3 and csgo (NOT valorant, this game sucks). My favorite game will always be minecraft of course.

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My favorite genre is FPS, and my favorite FPS game is Black Ops 2. The best CoD game ever made. And if you agree/disagree with me then like this post!

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Is Black Ops 2 the best CoD game ever made?
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  • No
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I’m more into RPG games like Guild Wars 2, WoW or similar games. Even so, sometimes I enjoy some shooting games like Valorant, or sandbox ones like terraria :]

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Tbh, when I’m looking to kill off time, that is a valid response.
I kinda want to try out valorant but everyones saying its trash.

Hentai games!