the fall of v3rm

embed failure


embed fail haha

well that’s a rip.

Can u copy and paste what they said into your thread

that’s fake btw, all those messages are.
its bmcq can u even trust the guy that made a monopoly for luraph?


naw but who tf would buy SW in the first place like scriptware is just synapse but on mac

Weirdly this specific thread is no where to be seen. NikolasAvakandro didn’t even post about it on an other thread so either the thread got deleted and he hasn’t seen it yet or he got called out for saying random shit and is trying to forget about it. Hope we will know why soon

That’s sad

It’s honestly not worth it to exploit right now. Either way you will be caught by us even using Fluster. We also heard from a fella exploiter that Fluster has stopped updating so really there is no point right now to exploit.