
helo guys today i am going to be talking about s&box
what is s&box?
s&box is when you shove roblox and unity and garrys mod into a room and wait until they have sex
it is made by the same team that made garrys mod + rust
you can use html + scss to make game gui
i have made some guis
an example is here:
[ATTACH type=“full” width=“410px” alt=“1661076090175.png”]219[/ATTACH]
you can also use c# to add functionality to your game unlike roblox that still uses lua to this day as if we were in 1998
unfortunately you cannot obtain this game normally like as if it were garrys mod or rust
rn i think you must enter a giveaway of some sort in https://asset.party/~get to obtain the game
it also uses Source 2 for the base, which is a successor to the game engine used by hundreds of games for example, garrys mod, tf2, csgo, all of valves games rust, etc
(keep in mind that right now its in developer beta and when the game releases you will lose access and you will need to
purchase the game to continue using it)
and yea that is all guys

s&box > roblox

What he said


