Roblox Lua in Minecraft

With Elysium you can now execute Roblox Lua code in Minecraft, which for consumers means that:
People can now make script hubs and create third party features that Elysium itself doesn’t have.
A Very simple example of this:

[CODE=less]name = “gui example”
category = “render”
description = “A script that features an example gui”

screen = instance:add(“ScreenGui”)
frame = instance:add(“Frame”)
button = instance:add(“TextButton”)
frame2 = instance:add(“Frame”)
button2 = instance:add(“TextButton”)

frame:SetColor(18, 18, 18)
frame:SetPos(50, 50)
frame:SetSize(100, 100)
frame.draggable = false

frame2:SetColor(255, 255, 255)
frame2:SetPos(0, 0)
frame2:SetSize(100, 20)
frame2.draggable = true

button:SetSize(50, 20)
button:SetTextColor(0, 0, 0)
button:SetColor(255, 255, 255)
button:SetPos(25, 25)
button2:SetSize(50, 20)
button2:SetTextColor(0, 0, 0)
button2:SetColor(255, 255, 255)
button2:SetPos(25, 55)

function onEnable()



screen:Connect(“close”, function()



This code results in:
[ATTACH type=“full” width=“389px” alt=“1662801136755.png”]237[/ATTACH]
With this, people can create their own Minecraft cheats and other things in Elysium, developers will be allowed to sell and obfuscate their scripts.
You can also code bypasses, modules, etc with these in Minecraft.
For executing this code we have created a user interface similar to synapse’s internal UI.
[ATTACH type=“full” width=“394px” alt=“1662801899688.png”]238[/ATTACH]

There will be full documentations on this on this site as a sub domain soon, stay tuned!



where credits ???

great job ngl

hi i am next progremmr 4 ely lua!!! -Che

cant wait for people to start making cheats with elysium in minecraft that are better than elysium

good job now import synapse into elymc :trolley:


ong ong ong ong synx into ely mc?? too sussy sussy

this can literally change the scheme of minecraft clients W

How does it work though? Also it kinda just looks like normal lua not luau.