Opinion on v3rm/Elysium

Hello everyone on Elysium,

I’m wondering what you all think about v3rmillion and if you would rather switch to this new forum.

My personal opinion is that i will probably be using v3rmillion more since I’m used to it. Although I do like how Elysium forum is modern and could end up becoming something bigger then expected.

Anyways, looking forward to everyone’s opinions!

Have a good day,

i like the modern design, it’s pretty cool

but it’s not as active as v3rmillion

Both of the sites have pros and cons in my opinion.

Elysium has a UI that’s 10x better.
V3rm has much more active users.

However, I do think that elysium could be pretty active if it gets more recognition.

I don’t really like how modern the UI is, I also dislike sparkling usernames and such, tho both forums have their Pros and Cons, I’ll probably be using both, I just hope AzuLX won’t make too many bad changes to v3rmillion.

V3rm mods are currently shit
new owner is probably saving it anyway

elysium just needs more users and its better

ely > v3rm no debate needed

V3rm in my opinion has a really shitty UI it just looks really old and the forums layout is really bad. Elysium fixes those 2 things honestly it just needs more active users and I think it could beat v3rm the only problem is that I feel like a lot of people won’t change forum since the big names are there, there is the nostalgia factor and some users got a lot of badges they paid premium or elite they got a lot of rep etc.

The only thing I don’t like are the sparkling names, they just don’t look good

Tell that to cracked.io users you will get killed