I am quitting the Roblox exploiting community

Hello everyone, today I will be deciding something I have never thought about for longer than a decade.

My Journey
As some of you know, I joined this community way back in 2012 with my exploit originally being cheat engine which was almost just as limited as it is now with only serverside functionality. After that I started using cowmilkinjector x which is a fossil now and nobody remembers it however alot of you might’ve heard about the next exploit I switched to which was at the time called raindrop, however it was rebranded to Synapse after that it was rebranded again to the beloved exploit called Synapse X which is also now, gone unfortunately. which also brings us to the next topic

Why I am leaving
The community has officially been destroyed by Byfron. As you may know back in 2022 Roblox announced that they were going to implement an anti-cheat that will stop exploiters for good. This made alot of users panic at the time, even made Synapse do an announcement about it. However in 2023 they finally implemented it. Alot of exploits went down and they are still down to this day, this caused the deprived members of the community to resort to making sketchy exploits that they have absolutely no idea how to handle due to having no experience, which is still going on till this day. After some time some of the biggest exploits decided to stop for good, including but not limited to Synapse X and script-ware, which left a HUGE impact on the community. It has caused this community to start to spoil, tons of exploits being created, deleted, exposed for skidding and a shit ton more drama. The community has officially reached the point where its crying in denial due to the greed, lazyness, deprivity of users and other human flaws which are totally fine to have in my opinion. But as for me it is extremely unstable, if you are staying here and fighting to bring it back to what it was, then thats totally fine! I just personally cannot handle all this drama and all this blaze of glory going around and it’s just not for me. Credits to old friends like cereal and Joe for trying their best to keep this community alive, but they both must’ve somewhat come to the same conclusion and me and I hope they find more oppurtunities they have here elsewhere and get whatever their heart desires.

What’s going to happen
As you guys may now I do commissions for UI’s which I will continue doing as a freelancer, however I refuse to associate Elysium or my name with any other exploit in the future. As for Elysium, fortunately we aren’t related to Roblox. My personal opinions do not impact this site, therefore the site will continue to operate the same. However I am going to try moving to other games and even start making Roblox games (I have huge plans for my next game, stay tuned).

The community is just not for people like me who over react to simple things and take things super seriously anymore. And I have grown tired of this community because I’ve been here for longer than a decade. I hope that one day the community returns to what it was back in 2020, however that is only but a dream for now and realisticly speaking it wont be happening anytime soon, until then. Be seein ya.

written with :sparkling_heart:by your favorite UI and Rust developer, arad.

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sigma amogus

das crazy

that’s crazy bruv no way bruuuuv

good decision

give me beta for the game :heart_hands::heart_hands: