[Exploit List]: Best Paid and Free exploits!

Ok, yeah let’s get into making this list lol

Warning: This list has NO viruses, I’m putting known exploits that are popular on this list!


We are listing UNC Support (Env) which shows what functions are valid or what isn’t.
Find out more @ https://scriptunc.org/

Scripts that only support LuaU means it can only run if ROBLOX’s environment can run it too


Synapse X
Synapse X is one of the best ROBLOX Exploits that has been running for a very long time, it doesn’t have UNC Support but a load more scripts support it, it’s an overall good exploit but I wouldn’t recommend it to people who are going to exploit for their first time, it’ll be monthly which is a big con for Synapse X and will lose a ton of members that’s been using it.

Website: https://x.synapse.to/
Discord: N/A (Access when paid for S^X)


Script-Ware is an outstanding exploit that has been around for a while, its been constantly updated and always gets improvements every week or so, it has full UNC Support and gets pretty much anything done whenever you want it to be done, there isn’t any cons except it “maybe” going monthly which probably happen.

UNC: 100%
Website: https://script-ware.com/
Discord: N/A (IDK)

SirHurt has a wild past but we aren’t going in-depth with it, don’t make a message saying it’s trash or whatever, you probably don’t have a copy of it. SirHurt is a pretty good exploit, it also has full unc support but only supports scripts that run on LuaU, It updates faster than Synapse and overall is a pretty good exploit.

UNC: 100%
Website: https://sirhurt.net/

Free (Keyless):

Valyse is a mid-tier exploit honestly, it doesn’t have the best UI but it does work and that’s what matters, I’ve been having problems injecting so I can’t test UNC Support but it probably is good, someone else could check that out for me ty

Website: https://valyse.net/
Discord: discord.gg/valyse

Novaline is a really good exploit, keyless and powerful! it’s an exploit that I’ll probably use again, nothing wrong with it at all. 10/10 exploit lol

Discord: N/A

JJ Sploit
JJ Sploit has had a “bad” past but it isn’t true at all, claims about it being a bitcoin miner or rat aren’t true at all, it’s a really good starting exploit and there isn’t anything wrong with it at all, it’s DLL run by Showerhead (FLUXUS OWNER) so it’s pretty good.

UNC: 80ish%
Website: https://wearedevs.net/d/JJSploit
Discord: N/A

Nihon is a godly exploit, it’s been a good backup exploit for quite a bit it’s a really good mid-tier to high-tier exploit with no problems at all, it’s been run by a guy named Immunelion who is an Ex WeAreDevs moderator and yeah that’s it lol

Website: Nihon Download - WeAreDevs
Discord: N/A

Free (Key):

KRNL is just KRNL, a basic exploit but I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Their support is complete dogs**t and isn’t friendly at all, just go with Fluxus or something else

Website: https://krnl.place/
Discord: N/A

Fluxus is a free exploit but I’ve been running into Error 268 way more often than I should have been getting, it’s probably ROBLOX and paths or something, but yeah it’s a good exploit, nun wrong with it so yeah prob top of my exploiting list lol

UNC: 100% (Not Sure)
Website: https://fluxteam.net/
Discord: Fluxus Windows - Support

Oxygen U
I don’t have a description for this exploit, it’s more like a worsened down Fluxus with a Bytecode Conv DLL. though it’s still pretty good lol

Website: https://oxygenu.xyz/
Discord: N/A

Comet is a really good exploit that’s powerful, with no issues at all lol go use it because the owner is really nice. never had any issues with it like 268 or something else, it’s pretty fast and I think it has Full UNC support, don’t remember lol.

UNC: 100% (Not Sure)
Website: https://cometrbx.xyz/
Discord: N/A[/CENTER]

Sirhurt is ass do not buy, do not support pedophiles also jjs is ass dont use it, i also wouldnt trust wrd in general

I remember protosmasher, my first exploit, wish they didnt merge.
A lot of people say its bad but, I liked it.

Sad that synapse became monthly, then just left.

average r/robloxexploit user