Elysium Terms of Service

2019 - 2024 Elysium LLC.


Elysium = our Scripting Utility for Minecraft and other software and services that we provide.
Client = Customer of which has paid for Elysium and uses it.
Us = The Elysium staff team and the Elysium development team.
Blacklist = Removal of the access that the Client has in order to use Elysium (The Client will not be able to re-purchase Elysium anymore either). If you wish to know what this is please refer to our thread describing Elysium in full detail Elysium.

The sole objective of this document is to provide the terms and conditions of the usage of our Product and its Associated Services (hereafter named as solely the Product), detail policies concerning the obtention and the regulation of access to the Product, and specify our privacy policy. This document was specifically written to create a fair balance of responsibility, freedom of use and peace of mind for both Elysium’s development team, its staff, and the Client. This document may change at any time.


Elysium is a Roblox Lua executor for Minecraft. This license serves as an unlimited contract between you, the Client, and Elysium’s Development Team. By purchasing a copy of the Product, you implicitly agree to all the conditions, clauses and other information offered by this document, vow to respect it, and uphold the personal responsibility of regularly consulting this document for any changes that may impact your usage of the Product and your behaviour towards it. You also affirm that you are aged 13 years or older, as this product is not recommended to individuals under the age of 13. Licensing managers have the right to revoke your contract at will and without warning. Licensing managers are expected to issue dismissals with justification found in the terms and conditions, unless in extraordinary circumstances. However, in case you judge your contract dismissal to be unfair, you may appeal your dismissal to Licensing managers and seek a possible reversal. The production of Elysium can be discontinued at any time, incase of a possible discontinuation of the production of the product buyers will not be refunded however users will still be able to use Elysium.


The usage of the Product is strictly for legal, reasonable use. We acknowledge that the Product can be used for malicious or otherwise dishonest purposes no matter their legality, and we strictly condemn such use.
When used in combination with third party software, it is strictly forbidden to use the Product in a manner that intentionally breaches the Terms and Conditions, End User License Agreements or otherwise any licensing of third party software.
The Client takes full responsibility for any consequences stemming from the unauthorized use of the Product, and relieves Elysium of any responsibility or consequences if the Client’s usage of the Product results in legal, social or technological trouble.
The Client is responsible for their log-in credentials to the Product, as well as maintaining their confidentiality. The Client is fully responsible for all activities and actions resulting from the use of their log-in credentials or other activity on their account (“Account”).
The Client agrees to notify the Licensing managers immediately if they believe the confidentiality of their log-in credentials has been compromised or if they suspect unauthorized use of their Account. The Client agrees that Elysium will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from unauthorized use of their credentials.
Tampering with the source files of Elysium is strictly forbidden and doing so will result in a Blacklist. The usage of competitor products is prohibited and using any or associating with any will cause your whitelist to be revoked.


We try our best to log as less information as possible and keep that information as close as possible to our users than ourselves. Unfortunately to deliver secure software we must log some information that of which include:
Discord ID ( not token ), a password hash, your Discord account ID, Your HWID (Hardware ID), As for your IP it will not be logged and will be only used for authentication of the product.


These rules apply for our customers only discord server.

  1. Do not organize, participate in, or encourage harassment of others.
    Disagreements happen and are normal, but continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments may cross the line into harassment and are not okay.

  2. Do not organize, promote, or coordinate servers around hate speech.
    It’s unacceptable to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, religious affiliation, or disabilities.

  3. Do not make threats of violence or threaten to harm others.
    This includes indirect threats, as well as sharing or threatening to share someone’s private personal information (also known as doxing).

  4. Do not evade user blocks or server bans.
    Do not send unwanted, repeated friend requests or messages, especially after they’ve made it clear they don’t want to talk to you anymore. Do not try to hide your identity in an attempt to contact someone who has blocked you, or otherwise circumvent the tools we have which enable users to protect themselves.

  5. Do not send others viruses or malware.
    Attempting to phish others, hack users or DDoS users is strictly prohibited and will get you in serious troubles.

  6. You may not share sexually explicit content of other people without their consent.
    Sharing of non-consensual intimate imagery (also known as revenge porn) in an attempt to shame or degrade someone will result in a ban.

  7. You may not share content that glorifies or promotes suicide or self-harm.
    This includes any encouragement to others to cut themselves, or embrace eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

  8. You may not share images of sadistic gore or animal cruelty.

  9. In general, you should not promote, encourage or engage in any illegal behaviour.
    This is very likely to get you kicked/banned off the server and Discord, and may get you reported to law enforcement.

  10. Use common sense.
    This is the most important rule as it applies to everything you say.

  11. Do not annoy the owners with bullshit, if you proceed to ask them things when they ignore you, do expect punishment.

  12. Do not create tickets with any other subjects other than buying within the purchasing channel.


The same rules as communication rules apply here and also a few others which will be mentioned below.

  1. Necroposting
    You are not allowed to post multiple threads and replies in a super short time span.

  2. Spamming
    You are not allowed to spam in the forums in any shape or form.

  3. Promoting vulgar / gore
    You may not promote anything related to these 2 subjects.

  4. Have common sense
    This is the most important rule of all.

  5. Do not post false information about a user on their profile posts.
    Refrain from posting information about a user that is unrelated and is false about them on their profile posts.

  6. Hyperlinks
    The use of the hyperlinks feature on Discord is allowed, but using it to redirect other users to malicious/NSFW/gore/etc sites will result in a blacklist.