Elysium Forum V2

Hello everyone! This site has been up for almost more than a year!

We’ve achieved more than 1.5k members! And 1072 messages during this time!
It has been great hosting this forum for such a long time even though it doesn’t get as much users as big forums. However we’re planning on changing everything.

In V2 we’re planning on using the open-source and free-to-use Discourse. We’re planning on using our own custom-made theme which resembles the current UI but has been improved in many ways to provide a better UX.

As you know we’re currently using Xenforo, which restricts us a lot! And they make us pay them alot of money for no reason at all. But since Discourse is open-source and free to use, we can modify the source to however we see fit and we won’t have to pay them hundreds of dollars for absolutely no reason. Discourse also uses instead of PHP, which is much easier to use and understand.

You might be thinking, “Oh no all the posts and threads and accounts will be gone!!!”. Nope, we’re planning on migrating every last bit of information stored on the current forum over to Discourse. We’re also going to keep the same layout as this one with our forums/sub-forums. Our forum will also be much more secure in this upcoming update.

New and exciting features

We’re going to be adding a lot of features of which we’re currently missing! For example we’re going to add a reputation system, a page featuring the most trusted and used Roblox/Minecraft exploits of the current year, a built in dashboard for buyers and alot more!

A huge change will be coming to this site soon, stay tuned!


that’s nice :smiley: