(Community Warning) Arad

Over the past few months, a member of the Roblox Exploiting com & Minecraft Client com has been doing some suspicious activities.

Here is a list of what I’ve monitored from his activities;
• Stealing 9,839 popbob module codes from other clients
• Stealing HKPlay’s virginity
• Making the best Minecraft client known to man
• Not giving me administrative permissions on the Elysium Forums
• Creating a tear in space time reverting the current existence of everything back to the start, making me have to restart my speed-run on life
• Car battery on a police officer
• Becoming the best known Minecraft Client owner ever
• Eating all the food in the fridge (I put a fucking note saying It’s mine. Come on man.)
• Not releasing Elysium fast enough
• Breaking the world record for most cheese wheels eaten in 30 seconds (928)
• Breaking the Laws Of Physics and creating IRL flight exploits, god-mode exploits, and teleport exploits

These actions he has covered and committed over the past few months MUST stop. These are going too far and I find them highly disrespectful.

u just CW’d me on my own forums

Exactly bro, he needs to be stopped #stoparad #aradcw

dont forget car battery on a police officer

Bro he should be dead

Arad stole my discord e-kitten too I hate him for that (she could do the best “UwU” I’ve ever heard and believe me I’ve heard a lot of them)