Synapse vs script ware

noobhaxx[ATTACH type=“full” width=“276px”]123[/ATTACH]

I own both. I love synapse x and think it is good but script-ware has a website where you can add scripts and more stuff. The support team took like one month to help me and synapse took about 1 week so not the best but I would say both are about equal for me but when synapse v3 releases then of course synapse.

synapse bc synapse is synapse



I use synapse more, However I own both, at the end of the day they have their strong suits and things they’re not good at. Synapse has had an interesting history with it’s update speeds, script-ware has relatively fast updates, however the reason people still choose synapse to this day, is the fact that synapse has access to practically every-single library, along with things like syn-secure, which just make obfuscation easy.

Hello there,
Mainly I use synapse since I’m used to using it for a long period of time now.
Although I do like how script-ware works such as a exploit friend system which I had never seen before.
But personally I like synapse more since the functionality is better and stable.

synapse bc I don’t have sw

scriptware is better

whoever the fuck thinks that script-ware is better has obvious brain damage, it doesnt even have a decompiler
if you wanna come at me and say “OH WELL SCRIPTWARE V3 HAS ONE” yes it does but do you have scriptware v3? does anyone on this planet that isnt associated with developing and beta testing the software have access to v3?
dont be stupid, syn is better

Synapse may be good but elysium is better

Elysium is a custom ui, script hub and Mc Cheat, not an executor


damn bro

I agree i think synapse has a better enviroment for making scripts thats why i bought it, because its quick and has great tools

i use both

Synapse over SW personally

both, both are equally sex, but synapse is better for all around trolling

I hate sirhut because the owner is a pedo

We are not the same.

it doesnt have a key system, it asks for ur sirhurt login